In advance of individual timetable being circulated it is possible to determine now whether the course choice options pupils have chosen are available by checking the relevant column choice sheet below. This sheet illustrates the schematic from which our timetable has been created. Columns have been determined by pupil 'free choices' made during course choice interviews.

If you can chose one of your subjects and academic levels from each column then you know your 'free choice' subject choices have been allocated to you. Please note subjects may be across more than 1 column. Any questions around course choice subject allocation can be directed to Mrs Bulloch DHT. (

For information, we have achieved a 97% overall success rate across S3 -S6 on matching pupil choices so the vast majority of pupils will have the course choice subjects they are expecting.

However, this year there has also been a large number of S5/S6 pupils wishing to choose Practical Cookery or Skills for Work Hospitality. The numbers of S5/S6 pupils choosing these subjects will impact heavily on the ability of Home Economics to offer its national entitlement expected in S1-S3 and given appropriate course choices for new S4 pupils. The numbers are so high we cannot offer all S5/S6 pupils this choice. Pupils will be informed if this impacts them and the options now available to them.

Senior Phase Column Choice Structure 2024.2025

Subjects shaded 'green' indicate the level that is available in that column.

CC 24.25


S2-S3 Column Choice Structure 2024.2025
