Our S.A.FE School Uniform Policy
Our S.A.F.E. Uniform Policy has been agreed following consultation with parents, pupils, staff and the Parent Council.
Our S.A.F.E uniform policy promotes 'Simple, Accessible, Functionable and Equitable' uniform items that can be reasonably expected to be worn by all pupils. Parent/carers are asked to co-operate with the school in encouraging the wearing of our S.A.F.E.school uniform items. We believe this policy allows parents/carers and young people to wear a school uniform with relative ease.
Background and further information
The wearing of school uniform was deemed very important by parents/carers in a recent Survey (April 2022 & April 2023). Our young people were also consulted on how we can further explore uniform items that should be acceptable within our policy. Those views were listened to and are incorporated into our S.A.F.E. Uniform Policy which you can view opposite or download below.
There are a number of reasons for having a clearly defined dress code:
• In a large school, for safety reasons, it is essential that all pupils are instantly recognisable as Linlithgow Academy pupils.
• Wearing school uniform instils pride, a sense of belonging, a sense of purpose in class and projects an appropriate image to the local community and visitors to the school.
• Items of school uniform are significantly cheaper than branded items of clothing.
• School uniform removes the stigma attached to not wearing more expensive branded items and also reduces peer-pressure.
Physical Education
Pupils should bring a change of footwear for PE and wear appropriate clothing for the activity that they are working on. Activities can be indoors or outdoors so preparing for the weather is important. Pupils can find out their activities on the department timetable or from their teacher.
Please note the following:
• PE clothes must be different from those worn to school.
• No football colours.
• During PE lessons all jewellery must be removed and long hair tied back.
Wellbeing Exceptions to our Uniform Policy
Our S.A.F.E uniform expectation allows broad and accessible options for all of our young people giving every opportunity for an acceptable 'workplace' uniform to be worn. The school can offer uniform items to all pupils and families as part of our equity interventions. Temporary Infringements to our uniform code will be dealt with sensitively and we will be sympathetic to specific wellbeing issues around the wearing of uniform for identified individuals. If required, we will ask for parental/carer support thereby promoting equity of approach across our school.
If you believe your child requires a uniform exception based on wellbeing concern please contact your child's Head of House in the first instance.
April 2024 Survey Overview Responses
Parents/carers summary response to this question:

Parents/carers/pupils/staff responses to these questions