You can make contact with the school office on 01506 280180 or email the general school email address. Your message or email will then be forwarded on to the relevant person.

To determine the best person to contact, consider the following advice:

In the majority of instances the best person to initially contact regarding all aspects of your child's time at school is the Heads of House and or House Pastoral Support Workers. This allows the school to easily track and record all communication from home and ensure the best possible service.


Contact your child's House Head or House Pastoral Support Worker if you are:

  • looking to make initial or on-going contact about a possible concern regarding your child's welfare, happiness or safety at school
  • looking to inform us about an issue outwith school that may impact school life
  • wishing to enquire about your child's overall school progress, class allocation, timetabling issue

You can do this via the school office or via this link: Contact your child's Support Team or here:School Leadership Team


Contact a specific Head of Faculty if you are: (usually initial contact regarding your child's subject progress would be made via the House Head in the first instance)

  • looking to enquire about a specific subject related query
  • looking for specific information about course content, homework

You can do this via the school office or via email which you can access here: School Leadership Team


Contact the relevant Depute Head Teacher who has overall Year Group responsibility (click here for DHT year group responsibilities) if you:

  • believe an event or incident that you have discussed with a member of staff has not been handled appropriately
  • wish to further discuss an issue/event impacting on your child


Contact the relevant Depute Head Teacher who has strategic responsibility and oversight for the following whole school improvement priorities

  • School Support provision (Mrs Rutherford)
  • School Attainment (Mrs Bulloch)
  • Quality of Learning and Teaching (Dr Marsh)


Contact Head Teacher

  • By phoning/emailing the school office
  • Head Teacher may determine question should be actioned by a more appropriate member of staff with specific responsibility in the area identified.