The Principal Teacher of Inclusion is Ms Suzanne Dyer (You can contact her directly via link at bottom of this page)


All children and young people require support to help them learn and develop. The individual need of the child or young person should always be central to the identification, planning and provision of support. Support should be appropriate, proportionate and timely.

We have a whole school approach to learning in that all teachers support the needs of pupils at all levels of ability. This is done in normal classes through consultation and with learning support specialists and teachers working together with pupils in a classroom. We try to ensure that materials and methods are appropriate for all learners. Keeping children in their classes as much as possible has great benefits over the system of withdrawing them. Learning support teachers and assistants can help sort out problems on the spot and children do not miss out on important classroom activities.

The SFL department is fully committed to raising the standard of attainment of all pupils and enabling every pupil to achieve his/her full potential. The department is a resource to staff, pupils and parents, offering advice and assistance where appropriate. It is a whole school responsibility to identify and meet the needs of all of our pupils and to provide appropriate support to ensure that they have access to a curriculum that is:

  • Broad, balanced and progressive
  • Enables all pupils to work towards their potential at all stages
  • Takes account of individual differences
  • Enables them to make informed choices about their own future


Class teachers are the key people in meeting pupils' needs. Class teachers have the main responsibility for the education of all pupils. The aim of learning support provision is to assist subject teachers in meeting the diversity of needs.

Pupils in need of additional support are identified in a number of ways:

· At transitions

· Referral from class teachers

· Parents

· Pupil self referral

· Outside agencies

This information is shared with the relevant staff in a number of ways including review meetings, consultation meetings and through the school database.

As part of our targeted support, some pupils may benefit from access to our ASD Small Group Setting within their curriculum. This is agreed as part of our GIRFEC staged intervention process.