Mobile Phones in Classrooms
Linlithgow Academy operates a 'mobile phone free classroom' policy.
Following parental and staff feedback in March 2024 Linlithgow Academy has introduced a 'Mobile Free Classroom' policy. All relevant information on this policy and answers to frequently asked questions can be accessed via the links below. This page will be updated as and when required. |
Background |
This policy has been introduced because of overwhelming feedback not only from teachers and parents about the negative impact phones are having on pupil learning but also anecdotally from pupils themselves. Many pupils want help in regulating their mobile phone use. There is clear research to back this policy update, most recently: UNESCO: Jonathan Haidt: Smartphones vs. Smart Kids: Smartphones vs. Smart Kids (opens new window)
Feedback from parents and staff indicated the following: ![]() ![]()
What is the agreed procedure if mobile phones are used in classrooms without permission? | ||||||||||||||||||
Exemptions |
The only exemptions will be for medical reasons, for example young people with diabetes who use their phone to check/regulate blood sugar levels. This is a very small number of pupils and this will be communicated to staff. |
Why was the decision taken to hold the confiscated mobile phone until end of day? |
To ensure the consistent administration and safe storage of confiscated mobile phones this decision means an equity of approach across the school day which is easily understood by pupils/teachers and admin staff. |
Why is the school bag an option for storing the phone? |
A significant minority of parents and 59% of teachers indicated that pupils should have the option to place their phone in their bag, hence ensuring it remains in their possession. This gives pupils an option that can deescalate any feeling of anxiety but at the same time ensure the mobile phone is out of view. If a pupil chooses to not bring a bag to school then the only option is the wall holder. |
What is the procedure in practical PE? |
Within practical PE lessons there are a couple of differences in the process. On entry to PE students have 2 options with their mobile phones
What if teachers wish to allow pupils to use their phone to access the internet/TEAMS etc during class time? |
The teacher makes the decision when mobile phone use is being allowed for a particular learning reason. Once that reason has been overtaken, then the classroom policy applies, reminder will be read, meaning any future use becomes a phone collection duty. |
If phone has been confiscated, how does a parent get in contact with their child? |
You will be informed if your child has inappropriately used their phone in class. If required, parents should contact the school office and we will get in contact with your child to pass on any message. We would ask parents to remember their children are in class all day and to only message their child at interval (11.20-11.35) and lunchtime (1.15pm - 1.55pm). This allows you to assist us in removing phone distractions. |
What if pupils use their phone to show their pre-order number to canteen staff at lunchtime? |
If required, a pupil can access their confiscated phone at lunchtime to view this number. Office staff will write the number on a card and sign it. This card can then be shown to catering staff. Phone will remain in school office until end of day. |
What should teachers do if they see a phone being used in a corridor? |
Our updated guidance currently only covers classroom use. Staff can remind the pupil of the school classroom policy and ask them to remember to follow the instructions when going into class. |
What if a parent/carer refuses permission for their child's phone to be held in school office if confiscated? |
If a parent/carer insists that their child's phone cannot be stored in school office even when their child does not follow the policy, then once at school office, parent will be contacted so an appropriate adult family member can come into school to collect their child's phone. The pupil will remain out of class for the rest of the day until the adult arrives. This ensures a consistency and equity of approach with the same logical consequence being administered for any inappropriate use of the mobile phone. |
Will there be a review of the policy? |
Yes. We will go through a similar implementation when the senior pupils return from study leave. Before the summer holidays we will ask for feedback on the policy and to comment on what is working well and what is not. Any changes will then be made for our return in August. This review occurred in late June 2024. The outcome of the review can be seen by clicking on this link: Mobile Phone Policy Review June 2024 (PDF, 96 KB)(opens new window) |