School Improvement Documentation 2024.2025
Linlithgow Academy has a sustained focus on improving educational outcomes for all our young people. This is underpinned by effective improvement priorities.
School Improvement Documentation 2023.2024
Linlithgow Academy has a sustained focus on improving educational outcomes for all our young people. This is underpinned by effective self evaluation and improvement priorities.
Validated Self Evaluation (VSE) November 2023
VSE is a process which aims to build the capacity of schools to evaluate their own performance and improve the quality of outcomes for learners and families.
Linlithgow Academy Pupil Parliament
Learner participation in self evaluation and school improvement is fundamental to ensuring children's rights within our school context. The LA Pupil Parliament is grounded in Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child which states that our learners have the right to have their opinions considered when we are making decisions about things that affect them. This page gives an overview of our Parliament model and page links for each Pupil Team and Committee.
Parental Surveys
How Good is Linlithgow Academy?
School Documents
We have a number of guidance documents in the school. Some are WLC policy and some are LA.
School Publications
School documents
Digital Improvement
We are delighted to announce that Linlithgow Academy is one of the first schools in Europe to gain European Digital Schools status. In the same week we also gained our Digital Schools Scotland Award. Thank you to the young people and staff who are making digital a key part of our on going school improvement. You can see more detail about these awards here:
Pupil Equity Funding 2022.2023
We are committed to continuously developing our approach to ensure equity and tackle the poverty related attainment gap. Our PEF Summary provides an overview of our approach and an outline of how Pupil Equity Funding is being used to provide a range of universal and targeted approaches and interventions.