
All Linlithgow Academy pupils have access to online digital courses that are broken down key topics and concepts, each clearly explained and illustrated.

Working towards National 5 or Higher?  ACHIEVE can help! 

All Linlithgow Academy pupils have access to online digital courses that are broken down key topics and concepts, each clearly explained and illustrated. There are hundreds of links to free resources and SQA exam questions and solutions. Online assessments will test your understanding and help identify your strengths and areas for improvement.  Use ACHIEVE to boost your confidence and pass exams with better grades.

Student Quick Start
The quickest way to access ACHIEVE is by following these 3 simple steps:

1.Visit Linlithgow Academy Achieve Login (opens new window)

2.Sign up with your email address and password

3.When prompted, enter the Linlithgow Academy code NaFXVTBj

From here you can select all your National 5 and Higher courses, and access the Learn, Assess and Self-evaluate modules for each.


Achieve Help Guide (PDF, 533 KB)(opens new window)

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