The following information can be accessed below:

  • Study Leave Arrangements for Senior Phase pupils: Guidelines for pupils and parents 
  • Easter Holiday Study Support provision including dates/times and sign up forms
  • National Study Support offer: E-Sgoil Easter Study Support sign up information
  • Sign up forms for School Immersion classes occurring just before each SQA examination
  • SQA/ School Procedures on the day of the examination 
  • Links to other helpful information 

S4- S6 Study Leave Arrangements

The SQA exam diet for session 2023. 2024 commences from Monday 22nd April with latest return to school being Monday 3rd June. This will involve all S4-S6 pupils. More detail on the return date arrangements later.

As with previous years, during this exam diet period our Senior Phase pupils will be given time to study for and sit their SQA examinations, complete national courses and awards as well as being offered a programme of in-school learning or revision opportunities. This in school programme may vary for each learner.

In- school learning and revision opportunities during this study leave period, is dependent on each individual's exam diet but may include subject immersion days, opportunities to meet formally or informally with class teachers, targeted programmes of additional support, career related activities or opportunities to participate in other courses.

Learners will receive more information about the opportunities open to them during the exam diet over the coming weeks. However for S4 pupils: The vast majority of S4 pupils (sitting 4 or more N5 qualifications) will have the entire study period (Same for S5 pupils). Exams and exam preparation during study leave will be complimented with subject immersion days, opportunities to meet informally with subject teachers or contacting them via TEAMS during their normal teaching periods etc. Pupils sitting 3 or less N5 qualifications will have a more bespoke timetable with in school options each week. This arrangement is replicated across all West Lothian secondary schools. 

There will be an SQA Assembly on Monday 15th April where pupils will:

  • receive their individualised SQA timetable indicating subjects/levels we currently have entered. 

  • meet the SQA Chief Invigilator and receive information about exam procedures

Arrangements for pupils receiving AAA is currently underway and further information will be supplied at the Assembly on the 15/16th. 


Easter holiday Subject Study Support provision

The following in-person school study support classes are being offered during the Easter holidays. These classes are voluntary. Pupils must sign up for these classes in advance and spaces will be limited. Please do so by Friday 22nd March. Once full, the sign up sheet will be removed. If not enough pupils sign up for a particular class then the class will be removed. An update with confirmed classes that are running will be sent on Monday 25th March. 

Please be aware that teachers have volunteered to give up part of their Easter holidays and as such, not all subjects are represented and some classes may clash with others at a similar time. It is therefore up to pupils to prioritise. Pupils can also access the national study support offer. More details further below.

The information below is now confirmed and organised by day and date. Click dates below to access study support classes for each day. You should only attend if you have signed up for these classes.



E-Sgoil Easter Holidays Study Support National Offer

National Offer 

The National Easter Study Support Offer will run from 2 to 11 April 2024. The programme comprises live, interactive webinars delivered by experienced, GTCS registered teachers from across Scotland. A total of 80 webinar groups are on offer this year, covering 30 subjects. Each group will meet for three separate webinar sessions. Last year, there were over 15000 webinar registrations and learners' evaluations were overwhelmingly positive. The service is free to all learners.

To view the full National Offer Easter Study Support timetable and find out how to register, click here:  Easter Holiday National Study Support Offer (opens new window)


'Last Minute' SQA Immersion Classes before each SQA examination

To complement the existing after school study support arrangements, study guides, Easter revision classes and to ensure 'last minute' assistance is available to pupils, Linlithgow Academy has in place a range of optional subject immersion classes that will occur the day before (in many cases but not all) the SQA examinations. This will give pupils the opportunity to come into school at a designated time to go over any last minute concerns, consolidate their revision or just seek some calming advice about the upcoming exam in a formal and planned setting. These arrangements do not affect any additional informal meetings pupils may have with teachers during Study Leave.

Nearly all subject immersion classes will commence at 8.45am/9am to ensure that pupils who get a school bus can use this to get here. These immersion classes will run until morning interval. However, some start in the afternoon due to logistical issues. Pupils will be expected to get their own way home. Pupils MUST sign up for these optional classes.

Pupils must wear school uniform if attending these classes so we can easily identify them as LA pupils.

Details and times of these optional classes for each attainment level, including sign up links can be viewed for each level below: 


SQA /School procedures on the day of the examination

SQA procedures

There will be an assembly just after the Easter holidays for all Senior Phase pupils led by the HT and the SQA Chief Invigilator. This Assembly will give pupils specific information about what to expect on the SQA Exam day and the protocols that must be followed.

  • All pupils should wear school uniform when sitting examinations. 
  • You should be outside the Assembly hall/ exam room at least 10 minutes before the exam is due to start. If you are late, you must report to the teacher in charge of SQA exams on the day. They will let you know if you can sit the exam.
  •  If something unexpected happens and my performance is affected on the day, or I cannot take the exam you or your parent/carer should contact the school as soon as possible. We will be able to discuss any options available to you.

An SQA booklet, which pupils will received gives more information on what else you need to know including what not to bring into the hall with you!: 

SQA Booklet 2024 (PDF) [837KB] (opens new window)


New Session

The school is planning to change the academic timetable on Monday 27th May. However, with SQA examinations on until Wednesday 30th May we will look to start the senior timetable on Monday 3rd June, with personal timetables available from Thursday 30th May. This start date is in line with other West Lothian schools.