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What is Sangschule?

Sangschule (pronounced 'Sang School') is an informal friendly group of people who enjoy singing together. Our members come from all around West Lothian and beyond to learn new songs and learn more about old favourites. Most of the songs we sing are traditional, but some are modern, and not all are Scottish.

We believe that singing is something that everyone can do - we certainly don't see any need for auditions, and there is no need at all to be able to read music, as songs are learnt by ear.

Anyone can start coming any time. We meet most Wednesday evenings in term-time in Linlithgow Academy staffroom, from 7.30 to 9.30 pm.

To find out more, visit our website -  Sangschule - the West Lothian Traditional Song Group (opens new window), or find Sangschule West Lothian on Facebook. Email enquiries to


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