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Work Experience Opportunities

Law & Book-keeping opportunities

18 May


There is an excellent work experience opportunity for 6 students interested in a career in law in our Edinburgh office.

This work experience will take place on Tuesday 5-Friday 8 June. The work experience consists of work shadowing and some employability skills workshops, aimed at upskilling those who are going on to study law at university.

This work experience is open to S4/S5/S6 students and the students need to meet PRIME criteria.

PRIME criteria means they are a state school student and are either eligible for free school meals OR would be first in the family to go to university.

To apply, the students need to complete the attached form (which is quite brief) by 18 May 2018 and send it to

PRIME application form (Word doc, 60 KB)(opens new window)



The 1st West Lothian Sea Scouts are looking for someone to help  with their book-keeping.  It would be an ideal opportunity for an S4-S6 student who's either looking for some  accounting / finance experience or someone who would like a volunteer role for their Duke of Edinburgh award.

More details are available from Mr Forrester


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