Winter Ready
West Lothian Council has launched its public information campaign Winter Ready West Lothian 2024/25

Winter Ready West Lothian 2024/25
West Lothian Council has launched its public information campaign Winter Ready West Lothian 2024/25
The campaign highlights the council's preparations for possible severe weather and encourages local people to prepare now. Severe winter weather can include snow, frost and low temperatures, high winds and flooding.
More information is available at
As with previous years the council has:
• Maintained salt stocks.
• Set up contracts with local suppliers for severe weather support.
• Delivered refresher training to staff on all severe weather equipment.
• Published a Winter Ready supplement in the winter issue of Bulletin, the council newspaper.
The council is also asking residents and local businesses to help:
• Park sensibly - abandoned vehicles can cause serious issues.
• Share information with friends and neighbours, and spare a moment for vulnerable neighbours.
• Stay informed. Follow the council's social media channels for updates at:
- Facebook
- Whatsapp Channel
- Twitter
• If you are able, clear the path and pavement in front of your home.
• Prepare your car and home ahead of the winter.
• Keep the winter issue of Bulletin handy, or check it online at
Key messages for parents of school aged children
• Parents and carers should also ensure that their child's school has up to date contact information for them.
• Groupcall is the way that schools will inform parents and carers about closures, any change to arrangements and information about their child's learning provision in Seesaw (ELC - P3) or Teams (P4-S6). This information will also be shared on the council's website at and via social media channels.
• Parents/carers should make the decision on whether they feel it is safe for their child to travel to school in severe weather, depending on their individual circumstances. Parents/carers should contact the school as soon as possible if their child will not be attending school.
• A safe walking route from the school gate into the building will be cleared in snow or icy conditions. Schools will make sure staff, pupils and parents/carers are informed of the route for their school.
• In the event of school closure, pupils should continue to access learning activities through Seesaw (ELC - P3) and Teams (P4-S6) which are used regularly as part of the current learning provision in school. Parents should contact their child's school if they need help accessing these platforms, or if help is required to access a suitable device.
• If your child develops vomiting and/or diarrhoea symptoms, please ensure they remain off school until they have been symptom free for at least 48 hours to avoid passing the illness onto others.
• More information is available at