If the SQA exams do not work out as well as you expected and as a result, your offer of a course is not confirmed, this does not automatically mean that you won't get into university.

It might be possible to find another course which will suit you through the UCAS Clearing system. Clearing starts in mid-July and is designed to help students who have not been accepted for courses by listing courses which still have vacancies. Course vacancies in Clearing are published on the UCAS (opens new window) website from mid-August until late-September.

You are eligible for Clearing if you have applied in the current application year and if -

  • You have not withdrawn your application
  • You have not been given any offers or
  • Your offers have not been confirmed because you have not met the conditions or
  • You have declined your offers or not responded to the offers by the due date or
  • Your offers have not been confirmed, and you have turned down alternative offers from the same university or
  • You have applied after 30th June.

If you are eligible for Clearing -

Essentially, it is up to you to find a university that is prepared to accept you. The best way to do this is to check their website or ring a university and tell them what you want to do. Usually, if they have vacancies, they will take your details and either give you a decision straightaway or very soon afterwards. Just keep going until somewhere offers you a place. Here are some points to remember if you end up in this position:

Prepare in advance - unless you are very confident you will get the grades, do some contingency planning before results day. Make a list of possible courses and universities where you might be prepared to go in priority order. This will be easy to check against the Clearing listings when they are published.

Be around - don't go on holiday at this critical time.

If you think you may not have a place, regularly check UCAS Track. If you become eligible to use Clearing an 'Add Clearing choice' button will become available on your Track Choices screen. Or, check directly with your firm and insurance choices as soon as possible.

Check the official Clearing listings on the UCAS website, or the websites of individual universities to find where there are vacancies in your subject. These official listings are always the most comprehensive and up to date.

Think about alternative courses (perhaps a joint course with another subject instead of a single subject course) to maximise the choice available. Start ringing possible universities straight away (places at good universities can be filled very quickly).

Always contact the universities yourself as they will be less impressed by people ringing on your behalf. If you can't get through, keep trying.