West Lothian Council Education Services consultation on the Proposal to Review Non-Denominational Secondary Catchments at Armadale Academy, Linlithgow Academy, West Calder HS and Whitburn Academy
Education Services have commenced Statutory Consultation on the Proposal to review Non-Denominational Secondary Catchments at Armadale Academy, Linlithgow Academy, West Calder HS and Whitburn Academy. Please find attached relevant documentation linked to this consultation proposal.

The consultation documents outlining the proposals are available online from on the following webpage: https://www.westlothian.gov.uk/article/49192/Schools-and-Education-OpenConsultations
Hard copies of the consultation document are also available for uplift from the Civic Centre, Howden South Road, Livingston, EH54 6FF or can be requested in writing from: Catherine Campbell, Senior Education Development Officer, West Lothian Council Education Services, Civic Centre, Howden South Road, Livingston, EH54 6FF.
The Consultation period will run from 13 May 2024 until 5pm on Friday 28 June 2024. A public meeting to discuss the consultation document will be held on
Date: Monday 03 June 2024
Time: 7.00PM to 8.00PM
Venue: Armadale Academy
You are also invited to submit your comments on the consultation in writing to Catherine Campbell at the above address or by e-mail to Education.Consultation@westlothian.gov.uk
For written representations to be considered they must be received no later than 5pm on Friday 28 June 2024.