26 February
Vision and Values







Dear parent/carer


S4-S6 SQA Exam preparations

This is a brief overview of relevant information for parents and pupils as our young people prepare themselves for their SQA examinations.


Between now and Easter holidays

 Senior pupils will be completing their SQA subject course content and any internal assessments/ assignments still required over the coming weeks. A Progress  Report for your child will be published on Friday 8th March and a final SQA estimate grade submitted for each subject to SQA by the Easter holidays. The estimate grade information will be communicated to your child by their class teacher, before the Easter holidays. Your child will know any subject specific deadline dates, which will have been communicated to them in class and via subject TEAMS. They will know what is required to achieve the best possible grade in each subject via learning conversations that will have and will continue to take place. As well as in class revision there is obviously an expectation that pupils are now independently revising at home with a study plan in place. Pupil also have access to 'Achieve' and Scholar, which are revision tools via their Glow tile.

Details on study skills, the school's study support options and the national study support offer can all be accessed here: https://linlithgowacademy.westlothian.org.uk/article/26689/Supported-Study-Timetable


Easter holidays

We will be running an Easter holiday Study Support offer which pupils can sign up for. Subject teachers volunteer to offer study slots during this holiday period.

More detail on this soon, however please note these sessions have maximum numbers and may run concurrently with other subject offers as teachers determine the time slots that they can make. Not all subjects and levels are likely to be offered.


Publication of individual SQA timetables

SQA Examination dates are already circulated so pupils will already know what day each of their examinations are on. You can see this information here: https://linlithgowacademy.westlothian.org.uk/article/76750/SQA-Examination-Diet-2024-and-other-relevant- information


However, school times on the designated day for each examination may alter slightly from the national publication. As such, every pupil will receive their own personalised timetable which will indicate each exam they are sitting, the actual times, exam location and seat number if appropriate. This information will be given to them on Monday 15th April or Tuesday 16th April at an SQA Assembly (first days back after Easter holiday). This will also involve a presentation from the SQA Chief    Invigilator who will give advice and information about the exam arrangements and protocols during the exam period.


Study Leave

Last day of school will be Friday 19th April with the SQA exam diet commencing from Monday 22nd April. Pupils will return to school, at latest Monday 27th May when the new academic timetable starts. Study Leave involves all S4-S6 pupils

 As with previous years, during this exam diet period our Senior Phase pupils will be given time to   study for and sit their SQA examinations, complete national courses and awards as well as being offered a programme of in-school learning or revision opportunities. This in school programme may vary for each learner.

In- school learning and revision opportunities during this study leave period, is dependent on each individual's exam diet but may include subject immersion days, opportunities to meet formally or informally with class teachers, targeted programmes of additional support, career related activities or opportunities to participate in other courses.


Immersion days

In most but not all cases, the day before each examination there will be a formal opportunity for pupils to come into school between p1-p3 for some 'last minute' advice/support from subject teachers. Pupils      can sign up for this opportunity. More detail and how to sign up will be published in due course.


We hope this summary gives you a clear overview of the plans in place between now and the examination diet. More detail on some of these options will be sent as required over the coming weeks.