Open to parents/carers of S4/5/6 pupils: Engagement Evening
We would like to invite parents/carers of our Senior Phase pupils to our upcoming engagement event on Wednesday 25th October (5.30pm-7.30pm).

This event aims to provide parents/carers with practical examples of study support techniques and revision packages that they can be used to support your children at home and in the lead up to SQA examinations. A similar event took place last session so if you were not able to attend previously this may be for you. If you did attend last session please see this as a reminder session as the content will be very similar!
If you would like to attend please click this link to book a spot:
More information can be viewed by clicking this link: Engagement Evening (PDF, 252 KB)(opens new window)
On the evening representatives from Bright Red Publishing will also be present. You will be able to buy revision guides for a reduced price. Click link for more info: Bright Red Publishing Offer (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window)