BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
We are excited to announce the planned launch of the S6/5 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) pilot scheme which will run between Monday 25 September and Friday 6 October 2023.

It would be great to see as many S6 and S5 learners as possible bringing their laptop and tablet PC devices into school (to help support their learning) during the pilot. Additionally, the pilot scheme will help to identify any issues that will need to be resolved prior to rolling out BYOD to other years groups.
We will be holding an assembly with both year groups next week (w/c Monday 18 September) to:
- discuss the purpose of the pilot programme
- encourage learners to start bringing their digital devices to school
- outline the benefits BYOD
- provide an overview of the BYOD Pupil Summary document (attached) and expectations
Additional information about the pilot scheme, the powerpoint shared with pupils and the BYOD statement is available below.
At the end of the pilot scheme period, we will gather feedback from both staff and learners. Senior learners will however be encouraged to continue using their own digital devices after this date.
BYOD powerpoint pres (PDF, 722 KB)(opens new window)