02 December
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Our Prelim Schedule for January 2023 can be downloaded via link below.

As you will be aware, senior pupils will sit Prelims in January in preparations for their final exam(s) in May/June. We use the information derived in these and other assessments to establish working grades, identify support(s) and to help us derive pupil's estimates for SQA certification. 

The schedule can be downloaded below. Our Prelims will replicate an SQA diet.  This means there are some pupils whose Prelims clash with another Prelim. They will be informed about this and what their alternative time is. Just as could be the case in SQA exams, there is a very small group of pupils who will be sitting 2 exams on one day. Again these pupils will be informed about this.

Invigilators/ Classroom teachers will ensure SQA style exam conditions are met.

Teachers will provide important subject specific information regarding the Prelims, confirm times and answer any questions in the lead up to the Christmas holidays.