25 August
Linlithgow News image

We hope your child is settling into Linlithgow Academy, making friendships and enjoying all the opportunities the school can offer. 

We would love to hear feedback from parents/carers on both the p7 - S1 transition activities your child was involved in last session and any first impression you may have about your child's first few days at the Academy. You can give us those views by clicking the link below. The feedback form below is open for a week, allowing us to then gather views and determine possible improvements for future transition activities.

Please spend a couple of minutes watching a short video which gives a snapshot of S1 life over the last week or so. Scroll to bottom of this page to click link for this. Although not every S1 pupil is on camera we do hope the presentation reflects the same positive feeling we have about our new S1 students and their great start at Linlithgow Academy.


Upcoming Date for your Diary

There will be an S1 Welcome Evening for all parents/carers on Wednesday 5th October. More detail on this in due course.