School Uniform Session 2022.2023
We are pleased to provide more details of our School Uniform for session 2022/2023 and how you can now purchase uniform items.
As you know we recently conducted a consultation, which sought to establish the views of students, staff and parents/carers. Thank you again to all who contributed. Nearly all parents/carers wished us to promote and enforce the wearing of an agreed school uniform and our students were clear that they wanted more options for their school uniform with comfort and practical considerations being very important factors for them. This has resulted in our S.A.F.E Uniform policy which you can view/download here;
It is important to stress that all students will be required to wear a shirt/blouse and tie. Jogging/tracksuit bottoms will not be accepted as school uniform.
Logoxpres will be in the school assembly hall on Tuesday 21st June from 9am to measure and take orders for blazers and other items of school uniform, they will also take blazers for braiding and will accept cash and cheques made payable to Logoxpres on the day. Please see the attachments for more information on all our uniform items including new branded half zip sweatshirts and branded hoodies with full zip.
We will let pupils know of times for each year group in the Pupil News Bulletin. The orders received on the 21st will be delivered to the school free of charge and can be collected on Monday 15th of August from the office.
There will also be an opportunity to buy a junior or senior tie for £7.00:
We have a selection of "preloved blazers" and those are now available to check out in the main office.
Many core uniform items can be purchased cheaply at any supermarket or high street shop. It is important that as a school we ensure our School Uniform is as inclusive and affordable as possible.
Our revised and agreed uniform expectations will start on 16th August 2022 and we ask that parents/carers prepare for this and support our agreed uniform standards.
Please be aware that further information regarding School Clothing Grants and Free School Meals can also be
found at the following link: