As part of the SIP the Pupil Parliament has been established this academic year which aimed to provide pupils with more opportunities for learner voice and empowerment. 

This short PowerPoint outlines what the roll out of Pupil Parliament has achieved so far since January 2022. 

The main focus in term 2 was the pilot of 'Pupil Learning Rounds' where pupils went into lessons to compete field work as ethnographers gathering evidence of learning engagement with a focus on questioning. Thank you to all staff and young people who were involved in this.  The young people who took part really enjoyed the experience and felt it gave them opportunity to share their voice around learner engagement in the lesson snapshots they went into.

Slide 2 of the PowerPoint gives an overview of the data gathered and slide 3 shows the de-brief discussion from pupils where they had an opportunity to share their voice on ideas to enhance questioning. 

PP Impact Update May 2022 (gi.ui.mediatype.powerpoint) [258KB] (opens new window)