28 February
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'The programme will run from 1st - 5th August 2022 and is open to pupils who will have just completed S5 and are continuing to S6. At the moment, we are planning on this being an in-person experience, so pupils would stay on the campus for the week from Monday evening and leave to go home on Friday afternoon. All costs including accommodation, travel and food are covered by the Sutton Trust and the University of Glasgow. Running the week in person is, of course, dependent on COVID restrictions both at the University and Government levels, and if current conditions change, the week will run online.
The five subject streams available for 2022 are:
 Arts and Humanities
• Engineering
• Medical Studies & Life Sciences
• Life Sciences
• Social Sciences

Throughout the week, pupils will attend academic workshops and they will take part in a robust Academic Skills programme to help prepare them for the academic side of university. If a pupil subsequently applies to the University of Glasgow, successful completion of the Sutton Trust Summer School and Academic Skills Module could lead to an adjusted offer of entry.
They will have access to a range of academics, postgraduate tutors and undergraduate students who they can ask all their questions about what to expect at University. They will also attend talks about student life, student support and finance, and social activities will be provided in the evenings. Applications are now open and will close at midday on Wednesday 9th March. Students must apply on the Sutton Trust website.

Further detail can be found on our website here