Faculty groups have been busy working with lead teachers on a variety of activities aimed to increase pupil voice across the school. At the beginning of the year, pupils were asked about their experience as part of these faculty groups the previous year and what they would like to do more of in the coming year. Responses were overwhelming positive about the experience of being on the groups, and pupils were keen to take more of an active role in day-to-lessons. As a result of this feedback, pupils are now discussing CORE, designing activities to share with classes within their faculty. Groups have created activities designed to cultivate curiosity, utilising thinking routines in order to enhance pupil engagement and take more responsibility for their own learning.

As the groups move forward with this work, next year, there will be a focus on learning rounds, allowing students to visit classes and observe their peers first hand. Students will also look to collate responses and gain feedback on their experience in the classroom to help develop further activities.


Overview of Pupil Parliament Activities

PP header

Overview Detail
Core ActivityCORE: Thinking RoutineCORE: Class SupportCORE: CanvassingCORE: Learning Rounds

Students select one of the CORE aspects

They design an activity to help enhance said aspect

Students then share this with the classroom teacher to lead in a lesson

Students involved in creation can help support peers in class

Students champion a thinking routine

They create an activity, using the thinking routine, for a subject within each faculty

Pupils then lead this activity in lessons

Pupils canvas feedback from peers to develop for future use

Students will participate in ongoing visits into classrooms

These visits are to support/lead the previous elements

Visits can also be arranged by teachers if they feel pupils can support in BGE classes

This is an opportunity for pupils to lead learning amongst their peers

Students will begin a rolling schedule of gaining feedback

This feedback can take the form of observations, Forms, discussions, etc.

Feedback will be in relation to their input in learning (Core/Thinking Routines)

Pupils may wish to gain feedback from pupils at break/lunch also

In order to evaluate all work, students will participate in learning rounds

Focus of the learning rounds will vary depending on faculty focus

These learning round will help form the basis for constant reflection and self-evaluation

These will compliment all activities the Parliament undertake