S1-2 Science
S1 and S2 Science
At Linlithgow Academy, we have a proud history of pupils who achieve great things in the STEM subjects, both in school and when completing extra-curricular activities. We believe that this journey begins in S1.
In S1 and S2, young scientists at Linlithgow Academy will study a variety of rich topics which will develop their
Scientific literacy
Knowledge and understanding of significant aspects of learning in science.
Skills and abilities in practical science
Awareness of topical science issues
Higher-order thinking skills
Throughout S1 and S2, pupils will study six main units of work which set the level 3 CfE experiences and outcomes within the context of a higher-order concept to stimulate thinking:
In each topic, pupils will be assessed by a summative test, but will also be given an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge in a more holistic manner utilising higher-order thinking skills, encouraging creativity, independent thought and teamwork.
At the beginning of S1 pupils will also complete a 'bridging unit' which will equip them with the relevant scientific skills, literacy and numeracy to succeed in Science.

S1 pupils will also have the opportunity to join our Science Club. This is a very popular, inclusive club open to any pupil in S1 with an interest in science. Pupils will have the opportunity to engage in exciting experiments not usually completed during class time. The aim is to have fun while inspiring and nurturing the Scientists of the future!

Pupils will also be given an opportunity to learn about what it is really like to work in STEM disciplines at the start of S2 in a bridging unit focused on scientific careers.The careers in focus are
Forensic Science
Sports Science.

At the end of S2, pupils will have completed a profile of their learning in S1 and S2 science which could help inform them of their next steps in S3 and beyond.