Some courses need to be applied for earlier than others.

If you are applying for music conservatoires your UCAS Conservatoires application ( MUST be in by October 2nd (remember that this is a UCAS deadline - school will need your application completed well before that!)

If you are applying for dentistry, medicine, veterinary science or veterinary medicine or any courses at Oxford or Cambridge Universities (sometimes referred to as 'Oxbridge') your UCAS application MUST be in by October 16th (remember that this is a UCAS deadline - school will need your application completed well before that!)

This is because they are very popular and demanding courses and the selection procedure is more involved. This can include interviews, aptitude tests and sending off examples of written work.

Your academic achievements must be impressive and you will have had to have extensively researched the subject you wish to study. You should also have relevant experience in dentistry, medicine, veterinary medicine if you have chosen to study these areas. Admissions tutors will also closely scrutinise your personal statement and the school's academic reference. For more details about what the university is looking for, check the relevant web pages from the university to which you are applying.

Most October applicants will also have to sit an aptitude test and/or entry exam which is designed to assess whether candidates have the appropriate professional attitude, mental abilities and problem-solving skills to be successful on their chosen course. (see links below). Some of these tests/entry exams, you enter for yourself and there is a fee for some of them. Some of them, it is school who register you.

Make sure you know if you need to take an admissions test/entry exam and let your Head of House know.


It is strongly recommended that you prepare as best you can for admissions tests/entry exams. There are numerous resources which can help, including:

Preparing for the BMAT -

Preparing for the UCAT - and UKCAT Preparation


If applying for dentistry, medicine, veterinary science or veterinary medicine, you are restricted to a maximum of four choices in any one of these subjects on your UCAS form. This is to allow you to enter a different fifth choice as a fall-back position. If you are rejected by all four of your preferred courses, you will hopefully be accepted for this fifth choice course.


Applying to Oxbridge (Oxford or Cambridge)

You may not apply to both Oxford and Cambridge in the same year.

Oxford: Applying to Oxford | University of Oxford

Admissions tests | University of Oxford

Interviews | University of Oxford




FAQ: Oxbridge FAQ! - The Student Room

Applying for Medicine

Some universities require you to sit an admissions test for medicine. The university website will inform you if this is the case. Be aware that these tests have a very early completion date.


Gaining Experience in a Medical Context

It is essential that candidates who are applying for medicine should have a range of work experience that shows that they suitable to become doctors. This could range from shadowing medical staff in hospitals to volunteering to help in a nursing home or with a charity. Regular experience is preferable to a quick tour around a hospital.


Applying for Veterinary Medicine

It is essential that candidates who are applying for veterinary medicine should have a range of work experience that shows that they are suitable to become vets. Admission Tutors expect applicants to have a wide range of experience. This could include shadowing a vet tending to family pets, working on a farm and/or a zoo. It is also important to prove that you have worked with both large and small animals.

Some universities also require you to sit an admissions test for veterinary medicine. The university website will inform you if this is the case. Be aware that these tests have a very early completion date.


Applying for Dentistry

It is essential that candidates who are applying for dentistry should have acquired work experience shadowing a dentist. The minimum term which will be considered by dental school admissions tutors is two weeks but preferably this should be longer. It will also be beneficial to gain work experience with more than one dentist. Although work experience in general practice is essential also consider other areas of dentistry such as hospital dentistry or orthodontics.

Work experience will allow you to gain an insight into the field of dentistry and confirm your interest. It also allows you to develop many of the skills required to be a successful dentist such as communication and team work as well as providing an opportunity to show your caring nature.

Some universities also require you to sit an admissions test for veterinary medicine. The university website will inform you if this is the case. Be aware that these tests have a very early completion date.


Applying for Music Conservatoires

Applying to a Music Conservatoire is a different application process to the normal UCAS process. You can apply to universities for Music degree courses via UCAS, but this is separate to the conservatoires. There will be an audition. For more details of how the UCAS Conservatoires application process works, see